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Hand IN Hand


Won :  16th Asia Design Award Prize, 
Temporary and movable buildings, Silver Award 


The site is located in the Casamance region of southern Senegal in western Africa. The isolation, the history and the persistent inequality that has led to years of war in the region have left the local people living in very miserable conditions for a long time. The war, which lasted 25 years, caused severe damage to military, civilian, industrial facilities and residential areas in most areas of the south. The air strikes have also killed more than 100,000 innocent civilians in the south and left hundreds of thousands of people as refugees. The lack of infrastructure has led to a lack of medical care, and many people have lost their lives simply because of minor illnesses.


Drought: due to the harsh local natural conditions, the recycling and utilization of water resources have become an indispensable measure. 

Infrastructure is missing: the building has a variable system to meet needs such as healthcare.

Economic shortage: the construction process is the full participation of residents.

Meeting place: the building itself meets the local cultural needs, which provides possibilities for the formation of local oral history.

Education: the building itself can meet the needs of education space so that local residents can get an education.


The west part of the building includes several different functions, such as exhibition, management, and classroom, which are comparatively silent space. Moreover, the east part is a comparatively active space, due to its proximity to the noisy streets- the middle part link those two parts and relieve the conflicts between two different spaces


Work System

With a growing population.the government building cannot provide enough jobs, and that is why they will need the cultural center because it can provide more jol opportunities.

Study Exhibition System


The literacy rate is only 50% for the lack of transportation and accessibility to school in general. As a result, I designed a study and exhibition system to communicate the traditional culture

Medical System


Since there are inadequate medical systems and imited operating rooms and employees in the hospital, we designed a medical system to meet people's demands.

Religion System


This area has a lot of religious elements. Due to wars and other factors, this area needsa way to make their people deepening thein sense of identity. I think religion is a great way to make people better identify themselves.

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